Saturday, 2025-01-18, 4:45 AM Welcome Guest
IntroductionConsole commands are entered into the console like this: amx_<command> <option1> <option2> [option3] Required options are shown with <>, optional parameters are shown with []. Do not actually type <> or []. To view in-game command help, use this in the console: amx_help Admin CommandsCommand | Format | Access | Description | amx_kick | <name or #userid> [reason]A | ADMIN_KICK | Kicks a player. | amx_ban | <name or #userid> <time> [reason] | ADMIN_BAN | Bans a player. | amx_addban | <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] | ADMIN_BAN | Adds a ban to the server banlist. | amx_unban | <authid or ip> | ADMIN_BAN | Unbans a player. | amx_slay | <name or #userid> | ADMIN_SLAY | Slays a player. | amx_slap | <name or #userid> [damage] | ADMIN_SLAY | Slaps a player for variable damage. | amx_leave | <tag> [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] | ADMIN_KICK | Kicks all players not wearing one of the tags. | amx_pause | | ADMIN_CVAR | Pauses or unpauses the game. | amx_who | | ADMIN_ADMIN | Displays who is on the server. | amx_cvar | <cvar> [value] | ADMIN_CVAR | Changes or displays a cvar value. | amx_map | <mapname> | ADMIN_MAP | Changes map. | amx_nick | <original name> <new name> | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Changes Users Name. | amx_cfg | <filename> | ADMIN_CFG | Executes a server-side config file. | amx_rcon | <rcon command line> | ADMIN_RCON | Executes a command on the server console. | amx_plugins | | ADMIN_ADMIN | Lists all loaded plugins. | amx_modules | | ADMIN_ADMIN | Lists all loaded modules. |
Chat CommandsCommand | Format | Access | Description | amx_say | <message> | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a message to all players through normal say. | amx_chat | <message> | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a message to all admins through normal chat. | amx_psay | <name or #userid> <message> | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a private message to a player. | amx_tsay | <color> <message> | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a left side HUD message to all players. | amx_csay | <color> <message> | ADMIN_CHAT | Sends a center HUD message to all players. |
Vote CommandsCommand | Format | Access | Description | amx_votemap | <map> [map] [map] [map] | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote for a map. | amx_votekick | <name or #userid> | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote to kick a player. | amx_voteban | <name or #userid> | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a vote to ban a player. | amx_vote | <question> <answer1> <answer2> | ADMIN_VOTE | Starts a custom poll. | amx_cancelvote | | ADMIN_VOTE | Cancels the last poll in progress. |
Stats CommandsCommand | Description | say /hp | Displays information about your killer. | say /statsme | Displays your stats. | say /stats | Displays other players' stats. | say /top15 | Displays the top 15 players. | say /rank | Displays your rank on the server. |
Say CommandsCommand | Description | say nextmap | Displays the next map in the mapcycle. | say timeleft | Displays the time left in the map. | say thetime | Displays the current time. |
Menu CommandsNote: ACCESS_LEVEL_A is not "a", it is "m". See Access Levels.
Command | Accesss | Description | amxmodmenu | ADMIN_MENU | Displays the main AMX Mod X menu. | amx_cvarmenu | ADMIN_CVAR | Displays the CVAR menu. | amx_mapmenu | ADMIN_MAP | Displays the map change menu. | amx_votemapmenu | ADMIN_MAP | Displays the map voting menu. | amx_kickmenu | ADMIN_KICK | Displays kick menu. | amx_banmenu | ADMIN_BAN | Displays ban menu. | amx_slapmenu | ADMIN_SLAY | Displays slap/slay menu. | amx_teammenu | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Displays team switch menu. | amx_clcmdmenu | ADMIN_LEVEL_A | Displays client commands menu. | amx_cmdmenu | ??? | Displays server commands menu. | amx_restmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays weapon restriction menu. | amx_teleportmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays teleport menu. | amx_pausecfgmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Pause/unpause plugins with menu. | amx_statscfgmenu | ADMIN_CFG | Displays stats configuration menu. |
Config CommandsCommand: | amx_pausecfg | Format: | <command> [name] | Access: | ADMIN_CFG | Description: | Pauses a plugin.
Command list:
- off - Pauses all plugins not in the list.
- on - Unpauses all plugins.
- stop <file> - Stops a plugin.
- pause <file> - Pauses a plugin.
- enable <file> - Enables a plugin.
- save - Saves a list of stopped plugins.
- clear - Clears a list of stopped plugins.
- list [id] - Lists plugins.
- add <title> - Marks a plugin as unpauseable.
Command: | amx_statscfg | Format: | <command> [parameters] | Access: | ADMIN_CFG | Description: | Changes a stats setting.
Command list:
- on <variable> - Enable specific option.
- off <variable> - Disable specific option.
- save - Save stats configuration.
- load - Load stats configuration.
- list [id] - List stats statuses.
- add <name> <variable> - Add stat variable to the list.
RCON CommandsCommand: | amxx | Format: | <command> [parameters] | Access: | | Description: | Command list available:
- amxx version - Display version.
- amxx modules - Display modules.
- amxx plugins - Display plugins.
- amxx gpl - Display the GNU General Public License
- amxx cvars - Display AMX Mod X registered CVARs.
- amxx cmds - Display AMX Mod X registered commands.
- amxx pause - Pause a running plugin.
- amxx unpause - Unpause a running plugin.the list.
Added by: Commands (AMX Mod X) (Rudin) |